
Showing posts from 2016

Justin on Food Network

its been a over joy the past months watching Justin on tv  Finally . In the past 4 months he's been on tv at least 6 times . I hope this will continue on Forever . He is my friend and Inspiration definitely . when I look back at our careers when I saw him in 2010 we were both at the lowest point . we wondered if any one would ever recognize , out passion , skill , talent and out infinite love for  people . when you have us 2 in  the room chances are we are gabbing to someone about , our work , our interests and of course fave Food . Its really food that found us following each other .   We have  other Interests tho : Justin also had the opportunity to be the host  for a Defining moments blog . These Individuals basically Redefined and Refound themselves during turning Points  in their lives . Justin began with his own story . it again reconfirmed that he is the king of turning a liability into an asset . I feel like the Lukiest Super fan in the world ....

God is always turning over the tables Arc blog 12

Sometimes God Turns you the Opposite direction . As he will for me August 19th . My Job is ending and back to DORs and job hunting again . tbh I hate it . what I wanted was for my job  to be permanent . I wanted to find a business where finally some one would accept for who  I was . but I have to accept that the offer wasn' t permanent ; instead it was an opportunity to prove my self and Survive on my own . Thus I have . I found parts  of me I didn't know were in me . I was able to function in concert with people who are not disabled  at all  and I was able to  help run a business and earn my own money .To be honest , I never felt like I fully belonged - physically challenged ; usually short statured , ADD ; its all a place I did nothing to deserve or entitle.   however I worked  hard to get there . Hopefully this " turning the tables " is the experience I need for the next step in the journey and find a blessing in defeat  .

Finding the blessing in defeat Arc blog 11

This pAst visit with chef Justin didn't go as well as I'd hoped . I didn't say more than shake his hand and " Hi Sir ! " I wish I could have explained to him that he inspired all of this - the opportunity I have to be whomever I want to be ( see Arc blog 5 ) . I don'tknow  why I can't bring myself to do it . The reason I think why is that we will both  get too emotional . Just like the night we first met when I had him sign him and Alton's picture from his food network star finale . That was turning point in my life as is every night I see him . Every visit reaffirms the I can be whom I want , I can do business and promote in any I choose . My dreAm is to promote him some day and give him the James Beard excellence in culinary arts award . I've dreamed about it already sighting cousin Jimmy Robey as the person at my side flying with me and being the most caring assist as maybe mom or dad wouldn't be around to be able to . It's most beautifu...