Finding the blessing in defeat Arc blog 11

This pAst visit with chef Justin didn't go as well as I'd hoped . I didn't say more than shake his hand and " Hi Sir ! " I wish I could have explained to him that he inspired all of this - the opportunity I have to be whomever I want to be ( see Arc blog 5 ) . I don'tknow why I can't bring myself to do it . The reason I think why is that we will both get too emotional . Just like the night we first met when I had him sign him and Alton's picture from his food network star finale . That was turning point in my life as is every night I see him . Every visit reaffirms the I can be whom I want , I can do business and promote in any I choose . My dreAm is to promote him some day and give him the James Beard excellence in culinary arts award . I've dreamed about it already sighting cousin Jimmy Robey as the person at my side flying with me and being the most caring assist as maybe mom or dad wouldn't be around to be able to . It's most beautifu...