happy 20th birthday to Middle of Nowhere

happy 20th birthday to my Favorite album of all time May 6th, 20:34 My career wouldn't be what is without hanson I want to continue working in business because hanson always has . I want to continue making a difference because hanson has .. etc . Ben had no idea tho that Ill never let him live it down . its a gift that keeps on giving . Did Id think they'd still be performing 20 years later ? maybe not , but I do/did hope . Hope is another thing Hansons music has always brought me . they have been my solace times Ive doubted myself to point of utter sadness and anxiety . Side Note - you Know I have to mention him - yes my favorite musician of all time . the singer that Ive had the pleasure of meeting multiple times and as of this year , finally seeing solo for a whole 58 Glorious minutes . Heres my fave Taylor quote of the day: "That dude on the keyboard was too gorgeous to ignore 😂😍." Couldn't of said it better myself https:/...