
Showing posts from 2019

Dont know why blogger keeps messing with me .

I was trying to get into into this blog last night and had to change my yahoo password that finally let me into my Carries Ramblings and songs blog at again so now I have two blogspot over 9 different years with 2 accounts . thats my first HAnson and back to the island pic .  Im so greatful  to  have a 3rd that is final'ing  next year in 2020 .

back after a 2 year hiatus .

Need some inspiration . trying to forge a new Career in Human Services .  but did finally get this pic with Mr Taylor  Hanson  last year in Tulsa . #life changer #inspiration . daily bible study 1 Thessalonians 5;15 no one render evil for evil . follow  what is good among you and everyone . Matt . 5;44 Love your enemies  and bless them  those who curse you .