had to start Carries Ramblings and Songs over again .

however Blogger never Erased - Deleted its still Viewable here . http://carriesramblingsandsongs.blogspot.com/
This now will be my  new ARC blog .
Obtaining employment has been a lesson in perseverance for me . Ive had to remain steadfast in my pursuit of my goal . A positive attitude has been hard to keep at times when the whole world gives a list of reasons why you can't be who you want. You feel invisible , weird , awkward , and without a place to belong . 

There have been many mentors and inspirations that have encouraged me to embrace my uniqueness with my disability and limitations . But the most recent of those individuals finally convinced to me follow my dreams and embrace what makes me different . Someone's uniqueness and speciality can be the very thing that attracts people to you . These qualities may be the thing that qualifies you for the job . 

Embracing and accepting my uniqueness as a strength instead of weakness has helped me view my disability as something that stands me out from the pack of same qualified individuals . My uniqueness has helped me persevere through every obstacle . 
My perseverance has helped be more self - supporting and make my own decisions ; instead of everyone assuming what they think I would like and proceeding to make the decision for me . I recently had phone call for a job application . At first I thought it was simply an inquiry for sales management position . But as the call went on , it became a push and sale for higher education to accent my Bachelors and Associates degrees I've already obtained . I spent an hour on the phone and by the third person I had to admit this wasn't for me. I was as professional and respectful as possible in this time . I think that is what led me to let them talk me to into inquiring about the education in the first place .
Then I received a call back about a promotional job that required too much physical work . I had to politely decline that as well .I have to hang on to perseverance in this in this time of waiting and know that God's hands are protecting me.


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