ARC blog 7 The positive power in and accepting the answer no .

There's many pieces of advice I'd like to tell to my younger self . First being don't be afraid to be your own person in the shadow of your mom . I spent too much of my life before now in fear of my mom's negativity and disappointment that I forgot to be happy . Only since I turned 30 and started working did I begin to live to be happy . And I'd tell her that the answer no doesn't mean the world is going to end . 
The word No is hard to accept . It can demolish our dreams of having a job and being self sufficient ; It can mean we don't get the financial assistance for food, health insurance, and mobility devices we need to improve our health. When we are children , our Parents maybe trying to do what is best for us but saying no. In Samuel 3:13 , God reminds us that word no has the power to give us restraint us and to protect from bad things- like judging and breaking the law . 

I've been told no in many situations when I wanted so desperately the answer to be yes , and yet I was able to accept and move on to better things . Ive been rejected from so many job opportunities that it seems normal to me . But I still have hope that someone someday will say yes , because Im the eternal optimist . My glass is always " half full " as the cliche goes , and I am forever grateful for the opportunities I have had . 
I also think the word no has a positive side as well . It can force us to be patient to wait and see what happens in a situation even after we are let down. 
The word No also has the power to set us free . Rejecting so many appointments and commitments can break us free from the chains of over commitment of caring for everyone before ourselves . I know caring for disabled individuals can get stressful and daunting . Caring for and putting ourselves first at times can help us take better care of the people that need us . Even though it's not easy to verbalize , saying No can bring us peace and hope that something better is around the corner . I don't recommend saying no to everything , but every once in a while it can bring us back what's more important : love , family, friends and faith.


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