Prayer and Bible Journal Better together 10/2


make a but God I cant decision  where I find  the courage to do what I am not necessarily  qualified to do like Moses not elouquent . 

Humility - knowing to give God  credit  . 

obedience to Christ .  and stand on the promises of God Joshua  1;6 Every place your foot treads I will be with you . 

the apostles  Paul  recruited   broken people to become  disciples . 

Philippians 4 4;13 I can do all things  in christ strengths . while taking the next step  forward . 

KeeP identity in Christ - "you Say" Lauren Daigle . 

Isaiah 1;17 Defend  the Fatherless ; enter  the controversy . 

easier  to stand in the gap when you are the vilian. 

Esther -  a womaN,  minority ; and orphaned . 4;14  youve been raised up for such a time as this ( to bring Moredeci to justice . to be brAVE ) 

IsaiaH 41;10 - 13 Fear Not . why not it be you ? 

Insecurities and Fears cant stop you from over coming evil  

Genesis 50;20 God has  for a specific purpose 

Ephesians 3;20 God can do  and  is able exceedingly , and abundantly . 

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.


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