ARC blog 4 Army of Fighters

A life devoted to hope , faith and love requires us to to keep fighting  and never quit . We must take action , try , be determined , and perservere through every obstacle that comes our way . My mentor Dr Mark Patton always told me my selling point wouldn't be some product I'd create or another's product I'd sponsor . My gift or "product " is my willingness not to quit  and stand up for what I believe in through my struggles . In marketing , we call this the Real Product - it can be anything from food , clothing , emotion or the image the product provides for the consumer .

 I'm demonstrating my determination by continuing meeting with my counselors and  my employment services . I'm currently under the Ticket to Work program - an employment network that suggests and provides services like the Maryland State Department of Rehabilitative Services that help me find work . I am now required to under the privilege of my disability benefits  and  the Social Security Administration to look for work . My  quandary is that I've been a part of these programs consistently for the past 15 years and I still  do not have a paying job . In this  time of waiting, Ive often relied on the support of family and friends . I'm so lucky  that they continue to encourage me every step of the way. I recently received  3 rejections  from job applications in a row . I have a choice - I could be depressed ; I could quit - but that's not me as a person . This blog provides  a way  for me  to explain my emotions that hopefully provide a positive outlook to others . I really believe  that I have yet to find that particular employer that will believe in me enough to hire me  . I haven't found  them yet .

But I'm a fighter . And fighters don't quit ; surrender or give up . Ever .


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