ARC blog 5 you can be whomever you want to be

We have freedoms as Americans that allow his to have any career  we choose . Its time we take that liberty and freedom and do something positive our lives . Until 3 years ago , I didn't have an extreme drive and determination to truly follow my heart and do what I want to in my professional life . I've been a fan of the Food Network for the past 15 years , but it took one locally  born chef from Hagerstown MD to completely change that . In 2012 , I was still volunteering with REACH of Washington County . I was ready to move on . Having the opportunity learn about  business was great , but I yearned for a new job where I could maybe learn how a business was promoted and have multiple responsibilities . During the lull times at REACH , I stumbled upon a chef named Justin Warner . In May 2012 , he began competing  on the show  Food Network Star . He  is the only  food personality from Hagerstown MD to ever be  on the Food Network . The first promotional articles of the show  were fascinating to me .
 I instantly  related to his unique upbringing and love of food . But because Justin is  a self taught chef  and entrepreneur , he has perfected promotional pitches  as  witty , fun and sentimental . He was fortunate to have his  dad Douglas say , " Son , you can be whomever you want; and its ok to do things differently " . Its exactly what I mentioned in the first blog about being a rebel . We often think that going against the rules as a bad thing , but sometimes its not . It's actually in my opinion refreshing to see someone have different  thoughts  and ways of doing things .
 In the past 3 years , that  motto has inspired everything I do professionally . I have had  more job experiences  in business and marketing  with completely different promotional techniques than traditional or retail sales . This blog  I write is an extension of that freedom that Justin embodies with his restaurant Do or Dine everyday .

The Hagerstown - Washington  County Chamber of Commerce is a non traditional public relations firm that allows businesses to become a member and participate in events  that in return promotes them to other businesses . The Chamber Of Commerce annual directory also allows them to be seen by the general public . I helped update the database that is the foundation of that directory .  My Meritus Foundation  Patient Assistant fund project also allowed me to promote in a completely different  way .

I believe that if we had more of an opportunity to encourage The Arc residents that they can accomplish something , they feel like they belong  and that they can be a contributor to this world no matter  what their  skills levels are . I've tried to propose this idea to provide counseling or basic life skills classes to the ARC residents to help them become more independent . This is also what I would have strived to do as Career Development Counselor if I had gotten the position . I have a technological  and social media communications among the disabled community marketing proposal I'm writing ( see ARC blog #3 ) that fully elaborates this I need I feel that is not being met .
 You can be whomever you want to be if you keep going .


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