ARC Blog 6 Social Deficients Among The Disabled .

As an individual with a disability , I've  had accept and deal with awkward social situations .  Having Cerebral Palsy without the use of a wheelchair and being of short stature would make a person   one of the most unique people  in the classroom . I was in special education classes until 5th  grade when my instructor realized I was missing out on using my mental talents . Ms . Lisa Sodee saw something in me that prompted her to advance me in to regular mainstream classes . These classes was a challenge for me socially and academically .  My fellow  students were not disabled at all .  My 5th grade history teacher expected me to keep  up  with homework at the same  time as the rest of the class . My favorite school  subject prior to college was social  studies ,  so  it seemed like a great fit . I received the privilege to associate with gifted and talented students .  The time of transition gave me a new perspective that I didn't have to be left out in the game of life just because of my disability . I was very successful, so Ms . Sodee added mainstream science class .
Then  I continued to make friends . In third and fourth grade , I'd been friends with 2 young ladies that were mentally  challenged . I really inspired them to reach their fullest potential . Then in 5th grade , my friend Star inspired me to look past  all the labeling and name - calling kids sometimes give you when you are different . Star was also always there for me as a grew into an adult .

In  sharp contrast , my friend Colleen has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( OCD ) and Tourettes Syndrome . She  cannot make friends  easily . Colleen can only make  friends in the surroundings of what her OCD is about -  the rock band Hanson . Now her OCD and Tourettes have advanced so far that  she rarely has any other  interest besides Hanson . Even though I am a compassionate person , its getting  more difficult  for  me to let my sole  focus and interest to be only Hanson  and their music . I have so many other striking  interests : food, cooking business , marketing and fashion . Though I want Colleen  as a friend , I have to step away and focus  on other  interests besides Hanson . Colleen has an extra challenging time making  friends because both her OCD and Tourettes prevent her  from having multiple interests and connecting with other people when the topic isn't about  Hanson . Colleen's Tourettes also make it hard for her to make friends because her Tourettes moments are sporadic and uncontrolled . 

 There are many social deficients that contribute to the mentally disabled not making friends  easily .  Impulsivity among motor and verbal  skills ; inappropriate touching ( like Tourettes ) .  Individuals who over react and get depressed  are side effects of people with learning disabilities and social deficients . Behaviors that prevent good social  interactions can be caused  by brain injuries , as  well as interpersonal , functioning , judgment , and perceptual changes that cause stress and disturbance . Orbit- frontal damage can also disrupt   an individuals ability to restrain inappropriate anger and sexual expression .

I think these are prime examples of why  the ARC should provide more social opportunities  for  the  residents . I think it would strengthen the interpersonal  skills they do have to communicate  with others  better .


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